I am so glad that photography was invented. I love capturing memories or picture of moments that mean the most to me. It makes me happy to look back on the pictures I took before to remember it. But sometimes a picture can have a deeper mean something. For instance, a picture can be of war. That can show how hard It can be and what the conditions the soldiers go thought. They sacrifice so much, and photography can show that.
Photography can open eyes to new understandings. It can make you change your mind on something like politics, envorment and other opinions you have or haven’t thought of. It physically shows someone’s point of view of a certain something.
Sometimes it is important to know these thinks to see and know more with what is happening today and what happened in the pass. Some people are visual learners so it can help show somethings important like that.
Looking back on the pass we can learn to do better in the future with how photographers show wars is a great way to see how it was and how to improve on something. I think photography is very important and give people better understanding and view of something that the picture is portraying.
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